
Customer Testimonials

  • Great job from the initial estimate to the last detail of installation. They did complete wiring on my 30 x 40 ft workshop including both inside and outside lighting. I also had the install a manual transfer switch to my main panel to use my generator during power outages. They did the job exactaly as was planned and I am well satisfied. I would highly recommend Durr Electric. I have more work for them to do in the near future to put up outside security lights.

    Richard F.Owner
  • Mr. Durr did an electrical job for me in Jubn. I was very satisfied with his work. He completed the job in a timely manner, answered any questions I had, and left the job site totally cleaned up. His prices were fair in comparison with the amount of work that he preformed. I would highly recommend Mr. Durr to anyone needing electrical work.

    Lonnie K.Owner
  • Please consider Durr Electric for any electrical work that you might require. I am the owner of a small business and Mr. Mark Durr went above and beyond the call of duty to assist us. We have had Mr. Durr back to our location on 4 separate occasions. The fact that he has returned for multiple jobs should say it all. We would not have asked him back had his service and repairs not been exceptional!!! His customer service and electrical expertise was very noticeable and very much appreciated. Not only were his repairs done quickly, professionally, and accurately, he stayed on site to make sure that when the electric company arrived to conclude the job, that the end product was complete and that we were satisfied with his work. I have since had Mr. Durr perform electrical work at my personal residence as well. We highly recommend Mr. Durr and would welcome any reference calls that might be requested.

    Gary W.Owner
  • Came out in a very timely manner, and power was on in a matter of about an hour.  Great service and pricing.

    Julian M.Owner

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